Wednesday, February 28, 2007


One of my weaknesses is that I am easily enticed by things I see in magazines. Without even knowing what it tastes like, after I saw Lisa Edelstein’s "B,L,D" in the November 2006 issue of "Everyday With Rachael Ray," I’ve wanted to try Guayaki Yerba Mate organic tea. Often if I wait long enough, the impulse will pass...but then I saw it offered in the Vitamin Shoppe catalog, with free shipping. I had a cup this morning. It’s supposed to have caffeine in it but I didn’t get that jittery feeling like from coffee. It has an earthy taste to it. I added some vanilla soy milk to the last few sips, and that was yummy. The package had a recipe for a "latte" with strong-brewed yerba mate and vanilla soy milk. See what I mean…I’m a pushover for anything in print.

Anyway, it was fun to try it. One of my resolutions for 2007 is to drink more tea. I don’t like to drink the same kind of tea each day so I’ll add this to my rotation of teas and see if it has any effect on my sense of well-being. At the very least it’ll help balance out the other things I eat everyday, like cookies! We just watched "Stranger Than Fiction" with Will Ferrell and Emma Thompson today. Maggie Gyllenhaal’s character is a baker who wants to make the world a better place with homemade cookies. I like her thinking!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I've been reminiscing about a RR recipe that we made when we were cooking our way through. It was a sloppy joe pizza. It's the one recipe I really, really liked. I think I'll find it and make it again, along with Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding - every couple of months that one has to be remade.