Thursday, January 11, 2007

Keeping up with Rachael Ray

There was an article in yesterday’s Dallas Morning News, about someone’s attempt at cooking a Rachael meal in 30 minutes. It took her an hour, or an hour & forty minutes, including prep time. I always enjoy reading these stories because it makes me feel like less of a klutz in the kitchen. Even though Rachael says if she can do it, anyone can, I still feel inept when I try to put together a full-fledged 30 minute meal. I’m not good at multitasking. I’ve gotten better at getting things ready beforehand, including washing produce when I get it home from the store.

Anyway, the story from the paper comes across as honest, and although it takes the person longer than 30 minutes to prepare the meal, it’s not in the context of putting Rachael down for unrealistic time frames, like some other articles have done.

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