Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tony Moment

Some of the books on my reading list have been available at the local library. I just finished "Heat" by Bill Buford. I enjoyed the "inside view" of things but found it quite disillusioning to read of his impressions of Mario Batali. I guess some of it is the "celebrity image" we have in our minds vs. the "real person."

I had reserved Anthony Bourdain's "The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones" online from the library. Shortly after I placed the hold, I got a call from them, saying "The Nasty Bits" was in. I could literally hear the person on the other end, struggling to stifle a giggle, and the tone in her voice implied "what the heck kind of book is this." Because of the holiday and national day of mourning, I didn't get to the library until today. I checked at the front desk and they didn't have it. I went upstairs to the racks and it wasn't in the 641's. So I went to the other information desk where I was referred to, and inquired there. The librarian didn't have it but asked my name and the title of the book. I must lisp and she started writing down..."The Nasty..." and then asked me to spell...B...I...T...C...!!! Hold on! I quickly corrected her, it's "Bits." Eventually we found the book in the "new releases" section.

How embarrassing. Keep in mind that this is the South. And I live in a dry county. Lots of things I took for granted from my Berkeley upbringing, are frowned upon or not understood here. I thought it was such a "Tony" moment.

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