Monday, April 10, 2006

Banana Bread

On Sunday morning I got up early and made Paula Deen's Banana Bread. What's a cookbook without a recipe for banana bread? Not much, in my opinion. Usually when I have overripe bananas, I use Jiffy banana nut muffin mix and follow the directions, add the mashed bananas and bake. This time I was glad I made it from scratch. The bread looked beautiful and had a wonderful texture and wasn't as sweet at the Jiffy concoction.

I cut a couple of big, hot pieces and slathered on some butter, wrapped them in foil and brought them to work. As I ate them, I envisioned Kate and granddaughter Rachel (who is visiting for spring break) waking up to that nice surprise and enjoying the bread. I was dismayed to get home and discover that no one had touched it! So I whined until they both promised to have a piece. 3 thumbs up!

We subscribed to Netflix a couple of months ago and love it! We have seen more movies in the last 8 weeks, than we had the entire 3 years we've been together. Our most recent rentals are the Showtime Series "Fat Actress" with Kirstie Alley. We watched Disc 1 last night. Since it's on Showtime, there was some off-colored dialogue so I was glad 14 yr old Rachel slept through most of it. But we've really enjoyed it - very funny.

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