Monday, April 03, 2006

Banana Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache & Cream Cheese Frosting

I try to remember to read the Food Section of the San Francisco Chronicle online, it’s one of the things I miss from California. Last week they had a story about the cupcake craze. I knew they were popular but until I read the article, I had no idea how trendy they are.

One of the recipes they included was from Kara’s Cupcakes in San Francisco. My niece is named Kara, plus the cupcakes have chocolate inside, so I decided to give it a try.

I’d checked out the website to see how much they are charging for cupcakes, and the filled ones are $36 a dozen! I guess if you walk in to a bakery and buy one for $3, it doesn’t seem that expensive. I was joking with Don that the dozen cupcakes I had sitting on the rack were worth $36.

Anyway, they were OK. I may have overbeat them because they were not as fluffy as the kind you get from cake mix. The two kinds of frosting (one filling, one on top) was fun. Next time I see a cake recipe I want to try, but don’t want to make a whole cake, I think I will try making it into cupcakes instead.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Honestly, with all this dessert baking I don't know how you and Don manage to be the incredibly skinny people that you are! How do you maintain your girlish figures?