Friday, April 07, 2006

Perdido Key Fish

My last attempts at dinner have been similar to Debbie’s. I tried a recipe from the third issue of Penzey’s One magazine, for Perdido Key Fish. The picture in the magazine looked yummy, it has tomatoes, celery, onion, lime olives and fish. The ingredients seemed simple enough where I thought I could imagine what it would taste like. I was disappointed in how it turned out. Maybe it was personal preference, but I thought it needed more of a tomato (as in tomato sauce) taste.

I had leftovers so the next night I threw together fish tacos. I heated up the leftovers, and put that on corn tortillas with some cheese, salsa, and lettuce, and a squirt of lime. OMG it was so much better. It only took 5 minutes to chop up the extra ingredients.

If I had company coming over and I had to cook what I had in the refrigerator, my gut feeling is that it would be a disaster. I don’t know why things turn out so great when it is just a fleeting thought in my mind about what to have for dinner, vs. deliberating about it for an evening or afternoon, and usually the long-thought-out versions do not turn out very good.

Penzey’s One is published by the folks who sell Penzey’s spices. So far I think their magazine is just "OK." It looks kind of home-made but I think that is the appeal. I like their spice catalog just for reading.

I am addicted to magazines. Right now I get Gourmet, Every Day with Rachael Ray, Saveur, and Texas Monthly, plus the stuff that comes with memberships (like AAA, etc.). I just bought the "King Arthur Flour Cookie Companion" cookbook, to fill out an order at to qualify for free shipping (I guess it would have been cheaper to pay for shipping than buy another cookbook!).

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