Sunday, January 01, 2006

Recipe #1

A little more introduction is in order here, I think. My name is Debbie and I live in Palm Springs, CA with my life partner Kate. My oldest daughter Jeanne is temporarily living with us while she relocates to this area. I've known my alter-blogger-friend Di for, how long now? 23 years, I think. How we met, I'll go into another time.

Today Kate and I went grocery shopping for Rachael Ray staples and for week number 1 perishables. We found everything except coriander and smoked cheddar. I asked Kate, isn't coriander that thing you drain your pasta in? She said, no that's a colander. I may just have to forge through week 1 without using coriander which, I'm sure, will be my loss.

We started the New Year by eating something RRay calls "Scramblewiches". I timed it and it took me exactly 26 minutes to make the meal - 30 minutes or less, indeed! I served them with tomato soup and salt & vinegar chips. It was definitely comfort food and feels good in our tummies ... a nice meal to have while recovering from New Years Eve. I used ham and swiss cheese in my version and all 8 eggs the recipe called for. It made 4 sandwiches, so we had to throw one away. No leftovers in 2006! Diane will have to cut all her recipes in half, since she is usually only cooking for two.

It was a 3 thumbs up meal, we all enjoyed it and ate our portions up. I asked them if they'd like to have it again some time and they said they would. I asked how they would rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, and we agreed it was a 6. Kate wants to go out for hot fudge sundaes for dessert. I think we need to indulge her in that request, since she did the dishes!

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